Permacon wanted to remove its steam system and update its mechanical system in their Quebec's plant. C-nergie obtained Permacon’s mandate to implement an energy efficiency project to reduce their building operating costs.
As part of this project, the 2 steam boilers were replaced by new efficient boilers and a new condensing boiler.
The benefits are:
-45 % savings on the heating bill;
-122 826 m³ of natural gas saved;
-Return on investment period of 2.0 years;
-282 285$ in subsidies;
-232 tons of GHG/year; The average consumption of 58 passenger vehicles;
"Permacon can help bring your most inspired dreams to life and transform the world outside your door.
Permacon: over 60 years of innovation
Innovation with a promise
The promise of perfect harmony is the freedom to choose colours, formats, shapes and textures between every element of your project and its surroundings. Of course, when you think of Permacon, you think of pavers, walls, edgers and slabs, but Permacon also means bricks and stones. For over sixty years Permacon has been a pioneer, innovator and champion of growth as Canada's largest producer of concrete products."