30 000$ In savings

68 tonnes per year In GHG emissions reduction

70 000 liters Less of fuel oil

Séminaire du Sacré-Coeur

C-nergie implemented several energy efficiencies measures such as the installation of a centralized control system, lighting modernization, occupancy detection and optimization of heating water networks and domestic water in the boiler room to reduce the school's energy consumption and GHG emissions.

To do so, apart from the implementation of LED lighting, it was necessary to replace the existing fuel energy source based on fuel oil (oil # 2) by propane gas and optimize the fuel production of hot water with an efficient boiler while installing equipment which enabled the set up of the control system for the air handling units and the boiler room.

Additional advantages:

-GHG emissions reduction

-New centralized control system with remote access

-Reduced maintenance costs

-Removing an underground fuel oil tank

-Modernization and maintenance of school assets

Séminaire du Sacré-Coeur (SSC) is a private French-speaking secondary education institution located approximately an hour drive from Montreal and Ottawa in the Quebec province. Located in an enchanting setting with a breathtaking view of the Ottawa River, the school combines all the winning conditions to lead the students to its academic success.