Optimization of the power factor
In AC systems, there is often some phase shift between the current and voltage waves, unless the systems are purely resistive (such as a heating element). The intensity of this phase shift is explained by the power factor. This is the ratio of the actual power to the apparent power of an engine.
Apparent power is broken down into real and reactive power, the latter being useless to the engine. The higher the reactive power, the greater the phase shift and the higher the power factor deviates from its ideal ratio (i.e. 100%). A power factor of less than 90% means there will be penalties on your electricity bill.
Penalties related to the bad power factor are not clearly written on energy bills. Our energy efficiency experts will be able to assess annual penalties and offer you the appropriate fixes to restore the power factor above the threshold required by our supplier.
Variable frequency drive (VFD)
When added to a motor, the variable frequency drive mechanism adjusts its speed to suit the requirements or needs of your process. In this way, the engine can operate normally and efficiently at any speed and save engine’s energy. In addition, VFD mechanisms can provide additional savings such as:
- Reduction of heating needs by limiting air’s extraction, according to the needs;
- Reducing maintenance costs by using the motors to run at lower operating speeds;
Wherever engines are used for time-varying purposes, it may be worthwhile to purchase an EFV mechanism. C-nergie can analyze your process and evaluate the potential of a such addition.